Please join us once again for another clothing swap! Fall edition. For a very low cost of $3, you gain entry to a swap-’til-you-drop event where you can give your previously-loved threads a new lease on life and you, too, can go home with some cool classic duds. Unique knick-knacks, as well!

Please feel free to bring dog clothing, accessories and toys to swap.

Halloween costumes, accessories and decorations are welcome.

DIY Corner: Don’t have many clothes to swap? Join us in the other room for DIY activities! We will have patch work, sewing to repurpose, repair and recycle and a cozy space to work on your own projects. Feel free to hang out and get creative!

Fundraising: If you have excess clothing or household items, bring them so we can donate in exchange for funds to support this incredible community space. Together, we can support a few great sustainable causes!